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A Training Workshop on “Wastewater & Sludge Treatment, Waste Valorization and Life Cycle Assessment” was successfully organised by the Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, University of Moratuwa on 01st & 02nd July 2023. More than 50 participants from various industries and organisations in Sri Lanka attended the workshop. This workshop offered an in-depth examination of key facets related to environmental sustainability and the management of resources in industries.

This Training Workshop was organized as a Knowledge Dissemination Activity of the TESS Project. Four Professors from two European Universities – University of South-Eastern Norway and University of Nova De Lisboa contributed to this event as resource persons together with the colleagues from the University of Moratuwa. Similarly, a colleague form the Technical University of Denmark delivered a lecture virtually.

A Lecture by a Colleague from UoR

A lecture delivered by a TESS team member at the Workshop

A lecture by a member of the TESS project at the workshop.

Lecture by Anna

A lecture delivered by a TESS team member from the University of Nova De Lisboa.

Lecture by Wenche

A lecture by a member of the TESS team form the University of South-Eastern Norway.

Lecture by Monica

A lecture delivered by a TESS team member from the University of Nova De Lisboa.

Group Work at the Workshop

A group discusses a task at the workshop.

Question by a Participant

A participant asks a question.

Group Work in Progress

Group Work at the workshop.

Group Photo of the Workshop

A Group Photograph of the Participants and Resource Persons

Some of the Participants

Some of the participants at the workshop.