Knowledge Sharing Workshops in Matara, Jaffna and Colombo – Sri Lanka

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The TESS team members from the University of Sri Jayewardenepura, University of Ruhuna and University of Vocational Technology collaborated to host three knowledge-sharing workshops respectively in Matara, Jaffna and Colombo. The first workshop was organised at the University of Ruhuna, Matara from 17th to 18th August 2023. The workshop aimed to educate officers from local governments in the Southern Province. Around 20 officers participated in the event. The second knowledge sharing workshop took place at the University College of Jaffna from 05th to 06th October 2023. There were close to 50 participants, representing municipalities, not-for-profit organisations and schools at this workshop. The final knowledge sharing workshop was organised at the university of Vocational Tehcnology, Colombo from 16th to 17th November 2023. Around 30 officers from different municipalities in the country’s Western Province attended the workshop.


The workshop covered essential topics on enhancing awareness and promoting effective waste management practices. The resource persons delivered their lectures on the management aspects of waste, including topics such as waste management, circular economy and value creation, agricultural good waste application to circular economy concepts, climate change issues and consequences, business model and significance of entrepreneurship, significance of waste and waste management practices, SDGs and waste management, responsibility and accountability of local authorities, producers responsibility in practice, upcycling, recycling and symbiosis and LCA, and best practices in global waste management and circular economy.

Knowledge Sharing Workshop in Matara

Knowledge Sharing Workshop at UoR – Matara

Resource Persons from USJP

The Team of Resource Persons from USJP

Some of the Participants at the Workshop in Matara

Some of the participants at the Knowledge Sharing Workshop – Matara.

A Participant Speaks at the Workshop in Matara

A participants asks a question at the workshop – Matara

A Group Discussion at the Workshop – Matara

Welcome Speech by Selvi

Welcome Speech at the Workshop – Jaffna.

A Group Photo of Workshop - Jaffna

A Group Photo of Workshop – Jaffna

Speech by the VC at the Workshop - Jaffna

The Vice Chancellor of UoVT addresses the participants at the Workshop – Jaffna

A resource person makes a presentation at the workshop – Jaffna.

Student Presentations

A presentation by a group of students at the Workshop – Jaffna.

A Stdnet presentation at the Workshop

A student makes a presentation at the Workshop – Jaffna.

Welcome Speech at the Workshop - Colombo

A Speech at the workshop – Colombo.

a Group of Resource Persons at the Workshop - Colombo

A group of resource persons at the Workshop – Colombo.

Some of the participants at the Workshop - Colombo

Some of the participants at the workshop – Colombo.