Training Programme and Field Visits – September 2023, Norway

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A five-day training programme was organized at the USN from 11-15 September 2023 for the UoVT’s staff members. The training programme was designed to provide a good understanding of waste management and circular economy practices in Norway through field visits and classroom discussions. The staff members of the USN and the industry managers were involved in delivering the training sessions and facilitating the field visits.

The first training session enabled to learn the production, transshipment and recycling process of waste at Vesar. Similarly, the participants observed the recycling process of paper and wood waste at Ragn & Sell company. The second training session focussed its attention on new opportunities in circular economy from a Norwegian perspective, social resources for sustainable waste management and circular reflections on circular economy in Norway and Europe. Its third training session provided a broad understanding of conceptual and practical aspects of economic dimension of waste management, wastewater purification and emergency management, circular economy advancements from the aspects of research, innovation and industrial integration, and managing waste and supply chain.

The fourth training session was devoted to providing a broad understanding of Avfall Norge’s role in waste management and circular economy in Norway and how Lindum, a research institute by Drammen municipality, cooperates with municipalities and other institutions to promote circular economy and sustainable waste management practices. The fifth training session was concerned with issues such as how to use risk-analysis as a crisis preparedness tool. Similarly, participants could learn about wastewater treatment methods and Biogas research at the campus. Overall, all sessions emphasized the importance of nurturing cooperation between the academic community and other institutions such as business entities, municipalities and not-for-profit organisations to fund research projects centred around waste management and circular economy.

Tomato Plantation

Discussion at Vesar’s Education Centre

Presentation about Vesar

A lecture on Economic Aspect of Waste Management by a manager of Vesar.

Presentation by a manager from Horten Municipality

A presentation on Waste water Recycling and the procedures for managing emergency at Horten Municipality.

Avfall Norge and its history

A presentation about Avfall Norge and Circular Economy.

Observing bio gas production at Lindum

Observing bio gas production facility at Lindum.

Presentation about Lindum

Presenting how Lindum contributes to fostering a circular economy in Norway.