Training on Waste Management Policy Impacts on Practice and Circular Economy Approaches – October 2022, England

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A weeklong training program organized at the University of Essex provided Sri Lankan participants with insights into regulatory challenges in waste management, enforcement of regulations, industrial operations, efficiency, and approaches to circular economy, climate change, and SDGs within the UK and beyond. Three colleagues from the University of Sri Jayewardenepura and two from the University of Ruhuna participated in the program to understand waste management practices and circular economy approaches. Participants developed an in-depth understanding of waste management and circular economy approaches pursued by UK local governments and councils, as well as other regulatory challenges, industry operations, and enforcement in the UK and beyond. Additionally, there was a demonstration on waste management business ideas in the UK and the potential for entrepreneurship in the field. Participants explored innovative food supply chain technologies in UK and North-West Europe, emphasizing their role in reducing food waste and discussing their applicability in resource-constrained contexts like Sri Lanka and other developing countries, underscoring the importance of leveraging technology to address waste issues.

This knowledge exchange was facilitated by expert-led sessions, site visits, and discussions with UK academics. The training aimed to provide practical knowledge and foster collaborations between UK and Sri Lankan colleagues, with the potential to drive future partnerships and capacity building in the waste management and circular economy sector.

Observing Waste Management System at UoE

Observing the waste management practices at the University of Essex

Lecture on Single Use Plastic

A lecture on Single Use Plastic by a colleague from the UoE.

Sri Lankan Colleagues at the UoE

Five Sri Lankan colleagues at the UoE.

Waste Management at an SME

Listening to a manager explaining waste management practices at his SME.

Waste management at UoE

Explaining the process of managing waste at the UoE.

A Group Photo

Some of the resource persons and the Sri Lankan participants

Lecture by Arun

A lecture on Impact of Policy on Waste Management by a colleague at the UoE.

Organising Committe and Sri Lankan Colleaguess

Organising Commitee and some of the resource persons together with the Sri Lankan participants