A Training Programme in Portugal

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Between January 16th and 20th 2023, NOVA School of Science and Technology hosted the Workshop Train the Trainer in “Waste Management, Sustainability and Circular Economy” (WP 1.5) and “Waste Treatment and Valorisation Technologies” (WP 1.6). The training week focused its attention on the waste management, sustainability and circular economy practices in Portugal and waste treatment and valorisation technologies. The training was a combination of lectures and discussions and a visit to a waste management facility (Ecopark from Amarsul).

Group Photo

A Group of European and Sri Lankan Colleagues.

Some of the resource persons

Some of the European Resource Persons

A presentation by Ana Silveira

A Lecture by Ana Silveira

Some of the Participants

A Discussion at a Training Session.

Field Visit

Providing information before visiting a site.

A Recycling Centre

Visiting a recycling centre to understand its process.