Dissemination Workshop, Exhibition and Panel Debate –  Sri Lanka

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The project consortium organised its dissemination workshop, exhibition and panel debate as part of the national dissemination task on Friday 15th December 2023. The University of Vocational Technology hosted these events. Both academics and industry experts were the resource persons in the dissemination workshop and panel debate. Both entreprenuers and students exhibitted their upcylced products at the exhibition.

In the dissemination workshop, academics from Norway, Portugal and Denmark made presentations to shed light on international development. Similarly, a panel debate was arranged to foster critical discussion between scholars and managers. A colleague from the University of Moratuwa, two team members form the USN and three industry managers that participated in the dissemination workshop were the panellists in the debate. The colleague from DTU was the chair of the debate. The main theme discussed in the debate was what could be done to minimise or avoid negative consequences of waste and who could take responsibility. All the panellists are of the view that individuals and different institutions are responsible to preserve the environment for future generations.

Speech by the primary coordinator

Speech by the primary coordinator.

The Chief Guest of the Event

The speech by the Chief Guest of the event – the Program Manager- Cooperation section, Delegation of the European Union to Sri Lanka & the Maldives.

Presentation by a colleague from the University of Nova De Lisboa

Monica Carvalheira – a team member of the University of Nova De Lisboa – presents waste water treatment practices in Portugal.

A colleague from the University of South-Eastern Norway

Thomas Brekke – a team member of the University of South-Eastern Norway – presents circular economy practices in Norway.

Presentation by a Manager from INSEI

Business Development Manager at INSEE Ecocycle Lanka presents the company’s policy and its incineration process.

Presentation by the CEO of GLG

The Chief Executive Officer of Green Life Generation presents how her company upcycles different types of waste.

Photo of Panel debate

The panel debate in progress.

Participants of the Dissemination Workshop

The audience of the workshop

The audience of the workshop

The audience in the workshop

Audience in the workshop

The audience of the workshop

A TESS member receives the book - Good Waste Management Practices

A TESS member receives the book – Good Waste Management Practices

Some of the Guests at the exhibition

Some of the guests at the exhibition

Green Life Generation Table

Upcycled products by Green Life Generation

TESS Team Members at the Exhibition

Some of the TESS team members at the exhibition.

Cocanut Products

Upcycled Coconut Shells

Organic Planting pots

Eco-friendly Indoor Flower Planing Pots

Leather Products

Some of TESS members look at the Upcycled Leather Products

Some of the Organising Committee Members

Some of the organising committee members

Decoration out of waste

Decoration made out of waste

Different Decorations from waste

Interior decoration from different types of waste

Food preserving Methods

Food preserving methods to minimise waste

Energy Saving Cooking Techniques

Energy Saving Cooking Equipment and Techniques

Palm Products

Guests at the exhibition

Guests at the exhibition

Upcycled Gift Box

Bags made of waste

Bags made of different kinds of waste

Products from clothes and rubber waste

Products made of clothes and rubber waste

Guest at the exhibition

Some of the Guests at the exhibition

Coir Packages

Eco-friendly Coconut Coir Bags

Packages from Arecanut Sheath

Eco-friendly Transport Packages made out of Arecanut Sheath

Aluminium Products

Upcycled Aluminum Waste

Click on this link to view the publication: Book for Good Waste Management Practice in Sri Lanka