Kick-off Meeting

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The project’s kick-off meeting was hosted at the University of Ruhuna, Sri Lankan from 24th to 28th February 2020. The coordinators and team members, representing the University of South-Eastern Norway, University of Ruhuna, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, University of Moratuwa, University of Jaffna, University of Essex, University of Vocational Technology and Janathakshan (GTE) Ltd, attended the meeting. The representatives of the Technical University of Denmark and University of Nova de Lisboa made their participation virtually.

The Vice Chancellor of Ruhuna University, Prof Sujeewa Amarasena welcomes the participants.

Chamara Kuruppu from the University of South-Eastern Norway answers questions concerned with the project’s governing procedures.

Thankom Arun, representing the University of Essex, presents his team members and Essex’s responsibility in the proejct.

Damitha from Janthakshan (GTE) Ltd presents his team members and explain his institution’s role in the project.

N L B Oshadie presents her team members and elaborates the University of Vocational technology’s role in the project.

Wasantha Sriyani from the University of Ruhuna presents the WP 1.5: Train the Trainers in Waste Management, Sustainability & Circular Economy and her team in the project.

Dayananda Ambalangodage presents the WP 1.2: Curriculum Development for graduate programme in Waste Management, Sustainability & Circular Economy and his team from the University of Sri Jayewardenepura.

Thusitha Gunawardana form the University of Ruhuna hands over the participation certificate to Sivachelvy from the University of Vocational Technology.

Lakshitha Parangamage from Janthakshan (GTE) Ltd receives the certificate for his participation in the meeting.

Aruna Warahena from the University of Vocational Technology receives the certificate for his participation in the event.

Oshadie from the University of Vocational Technology receives the certificate for attending in the event

Indrani Withanawasam and Wasantha Sriyani receive the certificates for attending the kick-off meeting.

Kingsley from the University of Sri Jayewardenepura receives the certificate for his attendance in the meeting.

Jim Vine from the University of Essex receives the certificate for his contribution to the meeting.