Founded in 1829, DTU is an international elite technical university whose social value creation and activities in education, scientific advice, and innovation rests on a solid foundation of world-class research. DTU promotes basic and applied science as well as promising fields of research such as Life Science. DTU’s activities are aimed at benefitting society, including developing and utilizing the natural and the technical sciences to serve as a business development driver. DTU is amongst Nordic countries foremost universities known for its success in the transfer of technology to society and the industry. DTU is unique among Danish universities due to its polytechnic, singlefaculty nature and the specified civic and social aim of its purpose in society.
DTU’s research lays the foundations for a unique education culture and new ways of learning, an innovation culture that cultivates and promotes entrepreneurship, spin-outs, and corporate innovation, and deliver and develop scientific advice and decision support systems for the benefit of national and international authorities, private organizations, and enterprises. In 2017, DTU was host of more than 11,000 students and more than 6,000 employees (researcher, educator, PhD fellows, support.). DTU’s Department of Chemical & Biochemical Engineering is national and international research leader in chemical engineering (ranked 39th global department by THE). The Department’s main activities lie within the areas of product design, process design and production in the chemical, biotechnological, pharmaceutical, food technological and energy technological industries. Also, the department is pioneer in developing e-learning tools in conjunction with extensive pilot plant facilities for engineering education.
Dr. Seyed Soheil Mansouri is an Associate Professor in the Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) since February 2018 and affiliate faculty at Sino-Danish Center for Education and Research in Beijing, China. He received his PhD (2016) and MSc (2013) in chemical and biochemical engineering both from DTU. His current research is primarily focused Process Systems Engineering, System Dynamics, EdTech focused on Computational Agility (AI and Quantum Computing), Socio-Economic-Technological Analysis of Complex Dynamic Systems, Process Synthesis, Design, Control and Intensification with focus on Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Bio-manufacturing sectors. He is a senior member of American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE); Danish representative to Computer Aided Process Engineering (CAPE) Working Party of European Federation of Chemical Engineers (EFCE), and member of executive board of European Committee for the Use of Computers in Chemical Engineering Education (EURECHA).