The University of Moratuwa (UoM) consists of five faculties namely Architecture, Business, engineering, Graduate Studies and Information Technology. It has twenty-two (22) academic departments offering twelve (12) Bachelor’s degree programs to students selected by the University Grants Commission (UGC) and fifty-six (56) postgraduate programs conducted on cost recovery basis. The university is regarded as the country’s leading technological higher education institute excelling both locally and globally. The university has set several goals in order to be an active player in the economic development of our country while contributing to making Sri Lanka a “Knowledge Hub” by strategic planning and implementing many initiatives. The Faculty of Engineering is the largest faculty in the University of Moratuwa, comprising 12 academic departments with about 200 academic staff and around 4000 undergraduate and post-graduate students. The Faculty at present offers Honours Degree of Bachelor of the Science of Engineering degree in 9 disciplines, Honours Degree of Bachelor of Design in Fashion Design and Product Development and Honours Degree of Bachelor of
Science in Transport and Logistics Management. Academic disciplines offered for the B.Sc. Engineering degree include Chemical & Process Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Science & Engineering, Earth Resource Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronic & Telecommunication Engineering, Materials Science & Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Textile & Clothing Technology. Department of Chemical & Process Engineering (CPE) is directly involved to this project and then information of CPE are given below as the partner Country institution. CPE conducts undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. In the CPE degree program, Environmental & Energy Engineering, Polymer Engineering and Food & Biochemical Engineering minor specialization streams are offered to the students.
He is a professor at the department of chemical and process engineering. Having completed B.Sc Engineering in 1993, and M.Phill in 2002, he received his PhD from Northumbria University at Newcastle in 2011. He has more than 20 years industrial, research and academic experiences. He is doing research on biomass combustion, pyrolysis, gasification and waste valorization.
He is a professor attached to the Department of Chemical and Process Engineering.
Having completed his B.Sc.(Eng.) (Hons) in 193 and M.Sc. education in 1997, he received his PhD degrees from National University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway in 2009. He is involving in developing and promoting bio waste treatment technology at local municipalities.
She is a lecturer at the department of Chemical and Process Engineering at University of Moratuwa. She completed the B.Sc Engineering in 2015 from the same University and the department and received her PhD from Nanyang Technological University at Republic of Singapore in 2020. Her research interests are wastewater treatment, membrane technology and waste valorization.