A Training Programme and Field Visits – March 2023, Sri Lanka

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A Training workshop on “Waste Management & Circular Economy” was organised at Galle Face Hotel from 27th to 31st March 2023. This event was hosted by the University of Sri Jayewardenepura. Staff members from the University of South-Eastern Norway and University of Essex are the resource persons at this workshop.  The training sessions focused their attention on the sustainable development goals and circular economy practices. Both participants and European resource persons visited several institutions to observe their waste management practices.

Speech by the Guest of Honour

Speech by the Guest of Honour, the Program Manager- Cooperation section, Delegation of the European Union to Sri Lanka & the Maldives.

Some of the Participants

The Guest of the Honour and some of the participants.

Visiting a Municipality

Observing the material recovery process  at Moratuwa Municipality.

A Composting Site

A visit to the composting site at Karadiyana Waste Management Centre.

Waste Incineration Centre

Visiting a medical waste management facility.

Waste to Energy Plant

Visiting a waste to energy plant in the country.