Curriculum Development Workshop – January 2022, Sri Lanka

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A Curriculum development workshop on “Sustainability Management and Circular Economy” took place at Galle Face Hotel, Sri Lanka from 10th -14th January 2022. The team members, representing the University of Vocational Technology, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, University of South-Eastern Norway and Janathakshan (GTE) Ltd attended this event. The University of Vocational Technology hosted the workshop.

The team members of the University of Vocational Technology and University of South-Eastern Norway.

Ms. Oshadie Liyanage from the University of Vocational Technology delivers the welcome speech.


The former coordinator of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura presents the master programme in Waste Management & Circular Economy.


Ms. Thanuja Vidanapathirane presents the programme of the workshop.

Dean, Faculty og Management Studies & Commerce, USJP

P. D. Nimal, the Dean, Faculty of Management Studies of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura addresses the participants.

Ms. Pushpa

Ms. Pushpa Rajapaksha presents a subject.

The team members of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura and University of South-Eastern Norway.

Chamara Kuruppu as the primary coordinator addresses the participants.

Group Photo

Some of the participants

The participants discuss with each other.


Mrs. Sivachelvy presents a subject and its content.

Mrs. Thamara

Mrs. Thamara Jayasekara presents a subject and its content.

Anil Fernando

Anil Fernando presents a subject and its content.

A Group Discussion

A group discusses the content of a subject

Click on this link to read a newspaper article about the workshop

Curriculum Development Workshop on Sustainability and Circular Economy in March 2022