
2023 September 10

Sunday Observer – Jpura University launches TESS project with Erasmus.

2023 September 10

Building Cross-Sector Collaboration for Solid Waste Management in Southern Province of Sri Lanka

2023 August 25

Proper Waste management plan needed

2023 April 03

Sunday Times – sharing knowledge of problems and solutions related to solid waste management.

2023 June 18

Sunday Times – TESS development training in Sri Lanka.

2023 May 25

Yerun News – Promoting Circular Economy in Sri Lanka

2023 April, Vol.2 Issue 01, p.04

Janathakshan Newsletter – Waste Management through Sharing Technical Know-how


Janathakshan Newsletter 2023 Quarterly Issue 2 about Consortium Meeting at Nova Protugal p.3

2023 March 12

Sunday Observer – Curriculum Development Workshop on Waste Treatment and Valorisation Technologies


Curriculum Development Workshop on Waste Treatment and Valorization Technologies in Sunday Observer 2023 March 12th

2022 March 03

Daily FT – Curriculum Development Workshop on Sustainability Management and Circular Economy

2021 October 13

Gjengangeren – Sri Lanka receives environmental support from Horten