Press Conference to Present the Master Programme – December 2023, Sri Lanka

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A press conference to present the new master programme – Master of Science in Waste Management and Circular Economy – was organised at Galadari Hotel on Saturday 16th December 2023. This progarmme is one of the two master programmes developed through the TESS project. The University of Sri Jayewardenepura will offer this master programme. The Vice Chancellor of the university and the Dean of its Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce, and the Vice Dean – Research & Development from the USN School of Business were the distinguish guest in this event. Similarly, four staff members from the University of South- Eastern Norway were also presence at the press conference in addition to two scholars from the University of Nova De Lisboa and Technical University of Denmark. Moreover, the project members from the University of Moratuwa and University of Vocational Technology also attended this event.

The main aim of the press conference is to make the leadership of the government sector and private sector aware of the innovative aspect of the new master programme. The Vice Chancellor of the USJP thanked the European Union for making funds available to develop the new master programme, whilst highly appreciating the contribution of the European universities to assure the quality standards of the master progarmme. The Vice Dean of the USN School of Business pinpointed the need of increasing the cooperating between universities in Sri Lanka and Europe to overcome social and economic challenges. Both public sector administrative leaders and private sector managers are of the view that both Sri Lankan and European universities have taken initiatives to address a timely important challenge of managing waste.

Please click on this link to view the Handbook of the Master Programme: Handbook of Waste Management and Circular Economy Master Programme

The Vice Chancellor of the USJP

The Vice Chancellor of the USJP addresses the participants and underlines the importance of the new master programme.

The Primary Coordinator of the TESS Project

The Primary Coordinator of the project explains how the project was developed and its goals. He has assured that the USN School of Business will seek funds from other sources to offer scholarships to students, following the new master programme to be exchanged students in Norway.

Distinguish Guests at the press conference

Some of the Distinguished Guests at the press conference.

Audience in the press conference

Part of the audience at the event

Some Members of the TESS Team

Some of the TESS team members attended the press conference.

USJP and USN colleagues at the event

Some of the TESS team members from the USJP and USN.